An Essential Guide For New Contractors

Businesses working in professional services rely on their reputation and hold lots of confidential and valuable information belonging to their clients and the projects they work on. This combination makes them the ideal target for cybercriminals who once inside a firm’s IT systems will use a number of different tactics to hold a firm to ransom.
Joint employment – United Taxis Ltd v Comolly and another

Written by Brabners LLP The issue of “dual” or “joint” employment under UK law is problematic. Although joint employment is a recognised concept in other jurisdictions, notably in the USA, the idea of someone having two employers in respect of the same job does not sit easily under UK law. There have been several […]
High Court quashes Government Strike Legislation

Written by JMW Solicitors LLP On Thursday 13 July 2023, the High Court quashed regulations which allowed for workers on strike to be replaced by agency staff. Background Since 1976, it has been illegal for employers to introduce or supply agency staff to replace those workers who are taking part in a strike or official […]
APSCo & FCSA Partnership

Freelancer and Contractor Services Association has re-committed to its partnership with ASPCo UK (The Association of Professional Staffing Companies). “We are pleased to announce that we have formalised our partnership with an exceptional organisation in our sector, APSCo UK.,” said Chris Bryce, Chief Executive of FCSA. “APSCo is well respected, with a long-standing history of […]