Addressing the unmet need for modern Shariah-compliant pensions amongst Muslim employers and the UK’s 3.9 million Muslim population
British Muslims more likely to be of working age, but face greater barriers to accessing pension schemes. First major DC master trust to offer fully diversified, halal workplace pension at scale. It is an employer’s responsibility to ensure that diversity, inclusivity and equal opportunities are carried out in the workplace, this is also true for […]
How can contractors benefit from pensions advice?
Planning for your future Saving isn’t easy for everyone, and for those who may be on irregular earning patterns – such as freelance contractors – putting money away each month can sometimes be difficult. Yet, creating a plan for your future can help you take the necessary steps to manage anything unforeseen circumstances that you […]
Donkor Baah v University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust and others
Written by JMW Solicitors LLP What happened in this case? In this case, the Claimant was engaged as an agency worker, to work as a nurse at the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust (‘the First Respondent’). She booked shifts directly with the First Respondent, and was paid on a shift by shift basis. […]