Independently assessed by top industry experts to demonstrate the highest standard of compliance

FCSA Accredited Members are rightly proud of being able to demonstrate the highest standard of compliance in the professional employment services sector. 

Not only are our members required to adhere to FCSA’s Charter, they are also tested for compliance with FCSA’s standards.

Our Accredited Members have been assessed by fully independent and impartial experts from tax, accountancy and legal professional services firms to confirm that they adhere to the rigorous FCSA Codes of Compliance.

This stringent test of their business operations is a clear commercial differentiator for umbrella employers, limited company advisors, and self-employed/CIS contractor providers, and minimises the risk for your customers.

It is the only compliance standard recognised and endorsed by all of the UK’s leading recruitment bodies.

Identifiable by an orange crest logo

FCSA Acc Memb - Umbrella COLOUR AW
FCSA Acc Memb - Limited Co COLOUR AW
FCSA Acc Memb - Self Emp COLOUR AW

FCSA Accredited Members are authorised to use the orange logos as illustrated on their marketing communication for each service accredited.

Only FCSA Accredited Members are permitted to use the orange crest logos, and must abide by FCSA’s brand guidelines at all times.

To obtain a copy of the FCSA Accredited Member logo, please contact FCSA’s Head of Operations, Deborah Murphy through our contact form found here:

Recruitment agencies, end hirers and contractors are advised to check a service providers type of membership when reviewing their preferred suppliers list. Visit our Directory of Members to check they’re accredited.

Qualifying for Accredited Member status

To join as an FCSA Accredited Member, applicants need to demonstrate compliance with the FCSA Codes of Compliance.  Applicants need to provide documentary evidence supporting this, which will be independently tested by FCSA approved assessors.

All companies that fall within scope of FCSA assessment, be that by common ownership or common directorship, must be put forward for assessment.

All FCSA Code assessors are either appropriately qualified tax professionals or solicitors, and have at least five years of demonstrable experience of specialising in the freelance sector. Assessors will be selected by FCSA from list below.  Where there is a conflict of interest or impartiality, that particular assessor and/or company will not be permitted to carry out the assessment, and another company will be selected by FCSA:



Ernst & Young LLP



Ernst & Young LLP

JMW Solicitor

As all applications require completion of the mandatory code, a legal assessor in addition to the financial assessor will be engaged to conduct the assessment. The cost of the review is the same whichever assessor team is selected.

Our Codes of Compliance covers 6 business models: umbrella employer, limited company advisor, professional employment organisations, worker, fixed term employment and self-employed/CIS contractor provider. To become an FCSA Accredited Member, all relevant aspects of your business need to be compliant.

The cost of FCSA assessment is dependent on the number of models you operate. The cost of FCSA Membership is dependent on the size of your business.

For more information about the steps to FCSA Accreditation, please visit:

Steps to Accreditation

Once you're Accredited

Once you have successfully passed our due diligence and Codes of Compliance checks, you will be awarded FCSA Accredited Member status. As an Accredited Member you will be:

  • Listed in our Directory of Members.
  • Issued with an FCSA Accredited Membership certificate to recognise your achievement.
  • Granted use of the FCSA Accredited Member orange crest logo on your corporate stationery and marketing material.
  • Invited to attend quarterly Members meetings.
  • Access to the FCSA Business Partner network who offer discounts for member firms.
  • Access to FCSA Recruiter Partner network who commit to a PSL comprising exclusively of FCSA Accredited Members.
  • Able to contribute to FCSA’s position on government policy and legislative developments.
  • Able to promote your FCSA Accredited Membership status when engaging with your customers and recruitment agencies.

All accredited members must pass the assessment and due diligence standards on an annual basis to maintain their accredited status.

Maintaining your Accredited Member status

All FCSA Accredited Members are required to undergo compliance checks on an annual basis by our independent and appropriately qualified tax experts and solicitors.

This stringent test of their business operations is a clear commercial differentiator for umbrella employers, limited company advisors, and self-employed/CIS contractor providers, and minimises the risk for your customers.

It is the only compliance standard recognised and endorsed by all of the UK’s leading recruitment bodies, including REC, APSCo and TEAM.