Addressing the skills gap in UK PLC


This article was written by Graham Williams at NWM, FCSA Accredited Member.

Our team here at NWM speak to recruiters daily, and two pressing subjects come to light:

  • How can we bridge the skills gap across the UK?
  • How can we retain candidates in a rate-driven market where skills are scarce?

Why do we have a skills gap?

There are a number of factors contributing to this, with employers struggling to find candidates with the necessary skills to fill available positions. 

We all know our working practices have changed significantly since 2020. In today’s rapidly evolving job market, technological advancements and changing industry requirements have led to a widening skills gap in the UK. As a result, employers are struggling to find candidates who can meet their specific skill requirements, leading to unfilled positions and hindered productivity.

The issue of low skills among workers in the UK poses a significant challenge for recruiters. While the skills gap is a multifaceted problem, low wages often contribute to the dilemma. In many low-skilled industries, the level of pay does not adequately reflect the value of the skills required. This leads to a lack of interest among job seekers to pursue careers in these industries hence the gap widens.

To help address this dilemma, recruiters are playing an important role in advocating fair and competitive wages for candidates with low skills. By working closely with employers, recruiters can highlight the importance of offering attractive packages to attract and retain talent. This can incentivise individuals to pursue careers in low-skilled industries and bridge the skills gap by ensuring a steady supply of qualified candidates.

We are also aware of Recruiters helping to address the low skills dilemma by providing training and development opportunities for candidates. By offering upskilling programs and partnering with educational institutions, recruiters can help individuals acquire the necessary skills to meet the demands of the job market. This proactive approach not only benefits job seekers by enhancing their employability but also supports businesses by providing them with a pipeline of skilled candidates.

By working with cross parties to encourage people to return to work and advanced skills training, Recruiters can help keep rates fair for all parties as the talent pool grows. This is no ‘quick fix’ to the issues we face however, solutions do exist.

In conclusion, the efforts of recruiters are invaluable in ensuring that businesses have access to the skilled workforce they need to thrive in today’s ever-changing, dynamic job market. 

As the skills gap continues to evolve, the role of recruiters in bridging this gap will only become more critical. By recognising and supporting the contributions of recruiters, we can work towards a future where the skills gap is minimised, and businesses have the talent they need to succeed.

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