Cyber attacks on Recruitment Agencies

09/10/2023 2:00 pm
This event has already happened.

Following a webinar with Members, we have been asked to provide the same information to our Recruiter Partners and agencies in our Members’ supply chains.

Two facts that should encourage you to attend this webinar:

•  The average pay-out for a ransomware attack is £628,606 (Mimecast study, 2021)

•  Human error is the cause of 95% of cyber attacks (World Economic Forum study)

The temporary labour sector has long been an attractive target for cyber criminals due to the large amount of sensitive data and money that they process on a frequent basis.

Cybercrime has been growing exponentially since access to the internet became so ingrained in every part of work and life.

Due to the opportunistic nature of cyber attacks, not being the easiest agency to try and steal from is often the key to never becoming a target.

Learn from FCSA Business Partner, Mitigo Cybersecurity, who will give you a run down on what happens if your company is ever breached, and how to prevent it from ever happening in the first place.