FCSA is calling for agencies and intermediaries to help gather evidence and market sentiment on the recent legislative changes that could impact their businesses and the industry overall. As the UK’s largest independent trade association for accountancy providers and umbrella employers that support the UK’s flexible workforce, FCSA believes it is vitally important to gain insight into any emerging trends that will help them steer future discussions with policymakers.
Agencies and intermediaries can take part in the survey by visiting: link to survey
Everyone who completes the research will receive a copy of the results and the deadline to complete the survey is Sunday July 31st 2016.
The industry has witnessed a raft of changes and pending legislation in recent times, namely tax relief on travel and subsistence expenses, changes to IR35 responsibility in the public sector, the apprenticeship levy, the National Living Wage and, in the last few weeks, an EU referendum that has resulted in Brexit.
Julia Kermode, Chief Executive of the FCSA believes it is important to garner the industry’s views along with any evidence on the impact of the changes. She said: “We have seen some significant changes over the last year and there are more to come. Agencies and intermediaries will be already seeing the impact of recent changes and they will also no doubt be keeping a watchful eye on how Brexit will affect their businesses. I would urge them to complete our survey so that we can gather the necessary and vital evidence we need to help us to inform future discussions with policymakers. It should only take a few minutes to complete and the information we glean can help in our conversations with Government and provide them with facts and evidence. Facts cannot be ignored and will put FCSA in a strong position to vocalise what is impacting our sector now and any concerns we have for the future.”