We issued a termination notice to the member for the breach and have now heard their appeal. It is FCSA policy to name the member involved only when any appeal process is complete. A brief public announcement will be also made.
Breaches of FCSA Codes
Whenever we receive evidence of a breach of our Codes – whether it’s related to a new complaint by an individual or evidence provided by a third-party – we’ll take action to investigate and follow our documented procedures to ensure any issues are dealt with fairly and effectively.
What FCSA does
FCSA is a not-for-profit trade association, not a regulator or statutory body. We’re also not a for-profit company with shareholders or owners expecting dividends or profits. And, just like many other trade associations, we require our members to meet certain standards.
Our members contractually commit to adhering to our Codes in the course of their business, and occasionally we receive and investigate reports that a member has breached our Codes in some way.
Unlike any other organisation in our field, we are open and transparent about our Codes and we publish them on our website at fcsa.org.uk. These Codes are reviewed and updated by us with input from tax and legal experts, other industry bodies such as REC and APSCo, government stakeholders such as BEIS and HMRC and we also consult from time-to-time with other organisations working in this field. When we have completed the review, the Codes are previewed to members for comment, and then published openly. Members are regularly assessed against these Codes. Importantly this assessment is carried out not by FCSA but by a panel of highly-regarded professional services firms – and we openly publish the panel members on our website.