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Protecting you and your clients health with Private Healthcare

Deb Murphy

With a government in prorogation, an impending no-deal Brexit, the loan charge and IR35 at our door, it’s undoubtedly an anxious time for Contractors. With the very real impact of these challenges in mind, there’s one thing you can do to protect you and your clients health in an uncertain environment.

What is Private Healthcare?

When you work for yourself as a Contractor, your income relies on your ability to work and, because of this, it’s vital you get back on your feet as soon as possible if you become ill – and, even more so in this current unstable climate. A Private Healthcare plan means that you and your family can have access to the best health facilities without the wait times, so you can protect yourselves from any health issues and subsequent financial difficulty that might come your way in the face of illness. 

Why is this important for Contractors?

Unlike other forms of insurance, Private Healthcare tends to be viewed as optional. This is because we are, of course, fortunate to live in a country that offers a National Health Service that will cover most treatments for free. However, when you work for yourself and become ill, the difference between services available on the NHS vs those through Private Healthcare could make a crucial difference in the time taken to return to work and earning money.

With a Private Healthcare policy you can rest assured that if you do have an illness or injury, you’ll be able to get back on your feet and back to work as you’ll have access to a wider variety of treatment, be seen more quickly, and have access to greater privacy and choice.

What’s important to consider when looking for Private Healthcare?

If Private Healthcare would be valuable to you it’s important for you to understand what type of cover you require. Do you want a comprehensive policy which will cover you for everything, or a policy that covers you for simply outpatient visits?

It’s also important to be aware of what can impact the policy price. Typically, your age, existing health condition, smoker status and occupation (whether it is high risk or not) are all taken into account.

What next?

If you would like a conversation with an expert adviser about the benefits of Private Healthcare and how you could add value to your services by offering it to your clients, then get in touch with Broadbench via their partner page here.

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